Mari (Buyuktaniyelyan) Bilenler 02 juillet 1960 - 26 février 2023
Mari (Buyuktaniyelyan) Bilenler 02 juillet 1960 - 26 février 2023
It is with deep sorrow that
Mr. Sokrat Bilenler
Mr. and Mrs. Arek & Maxine Yarici
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny and Claudia Alexandar
Mrs. Anjel Tanielyan
Mr. and Mrs. Harutyun & Alis Akcasu and son Philip
And all the Bilenler, Buyuktaniyelyan, Yarici, Alexandar, Tanielian, Akcasu and Keusseyan families
Announce the passing of their beloved
Wife, mother, daughter, sister and relative
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